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Synod document calls for a welcoming Church that embraces diversity

Synod of Bishops assembly members will be asked to find ways to build community, encourage the contribution of every baptised person and strengthen the Church’s primary mission of Gospel-sharing, said the working document for the October gathering. Source: CNS.

Education Victoria

New payroll tax on schools ‘unfairly targets’ hard-working families

The Catholic Education Commission of Victoria says the Victorian Government’s new payroll tax for non-government schools unfairly targets hard-working Victorian families and won’t improve the Budget as much as forecast.

Health Politics

Canavan introduces bill to force ACT to hold Calvary inquiry

Queensland LNP Senator Matt Canavan has introduced a bill to force the ACT Government to hold an inquiry into its compulsory takeover of Calvary Public Hospital Bruce. Source: Canberra Times.


Diaconate council for Parramatta a first in Australia

In a first for the Catholic Church in Australia, the Diocese of Parramatta has become home to the first-ever Diaconate Council. Source: Catholic Outlook.


Hotel immigration detention has devastating impact on detainees: report

The Commonwealth’s use of city hotels as ad hoc immigration detention centres, including confining people for nearly two years, has “devastating impacts on people’s mental and physical health”, the Australian Human Rights Commission has found. Source: The Guardian.


Calls to elder abuse helpline increase by 40 per cent amid cost-of-living crisis

Advocates are concerned increasing cost-of-living pressures could be contributing to a spike in elder abuse in Victoria. Source: ABC News.

HIgher Education Science

Young scientists give old physics equipment a new life

The University of Notre Dame Australia has donated its excess physics equipment to Western Australian primary schools to help encourage more students to embrace and pursue a career in science.


Catholics in South Sudan voice alarm over forced marriage

Catholic clerics in South Sudan are raising alarms over forced child marriages, complaining that the traditional practice scuttles girls’ dreams of higher education. Source: Crux. 

Holy Land

Conference investigates violence against Christians in Holy Land

A stained-glass window of the Cenacle, the traditional location of the Last Supper, was shattered by a rock thrown by unknown vandals last week, one of many incidents of violence on Christian holy sites in Jerusalem. Source. OSV News.