The St Vincent de Paul Society Tasmania is disappointed in Hobart City Council’s decision to reject plans for a social housing development in North Hobart for women over the age of 50. Source: The Mercury.
The plans for 38 new studio apartments at 210-218 Argyle Street, North Hobart, were refused last week, despite advice from planning experts it was suitable.
The project was a joint proposal by the St Vincent de Paul Society and Amelie Housing and had secured funding from Housing Tasmania, but it was contingent on timing.
Despite the project being deemed suitable for the area, and potential issues considered to be mitigated by conditions, five elected members voted it down.
A number of residents from North Hobart made deputations to the committee, raising concerns about height, bulk, overshadowing and privacy. There was suggestion the development be reduced by at least one level.
Vinnies CEO Heather Kent said the council’s decision was a disappointing one, especially for the women who would have been housed. She said the charity was now considering its options.
“We don’t want to have to go down the appeal path,” Ms Kent said.
“It’s lengthy, it’s costly for everyone involved and fundamentally it delays the outcome for the women who need it.”
She said there had been a great deal of consultation on the project, including the council’s urban design advisory panel.
Tenants Union of Tasmania principal solicitor Ben Bartl said inner city social housing was desperately needed.
“The council’s decision to reject housing for disadvantaged older women is a disgrace when you consider the housing affordability crisis being faced by many Tasmanians,” he said.
Possible appeal for North Hobart social housing after Hobart City Council rejection, despite advice it was suitable (By Judy Augustine, The Mercury)