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Sustainability in action at St Patrick’s Primary School, Port Fairy (Supplied)

A coastal Victorian Catholic primary school has been recognised by Sustainability Victoria for its leadership and commitment to caring for the environment. Source: Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education. 

St Patrick’s Primary School, Port Fairy, in south western Victoria,  received Sustainability Victoria’s ResourceSmart Schools award for “Community Leadership School of the Year” alongside Tecoma Primary School.

St Patrick’s principal Olga Lyons said the award was wonderful recognition of the outstanding work of staff and students over the past several years.

“Our school community has always been aware of the beautiful natural environment we have here at Port Fairy, and our deep responsibility to care for it,” Ms Lyons said.

“Such is the enthusiasm for sustainability, 82 students across all year levels this year volunteered to join the student action team to plan and help deliver the programs and activities across the school,” she said.

St Patrick’s Sustainability Leader, Benson Steere said students took on projects each year around the four key areas of waste, water, energy and biodiversity.

“The student action team plan and deliver full-day programs for the whole school each term, focused on each of the key action areas.

“Our students work closely with the Port Fairy Coastal Care group to monitor beach erosion, grow seasonal produce at the school, recycle linen and materials into pencil cases for children in a Tanzanian school founded by parents of the school, are just a few of our current projects.

“We are very proud to have a vibrant program that complements the curriculum and helps students develop a deeper understanding of the principles and importance of sustainability.”


St Patrick’s, Port Fairy named Sustainability Victoria’s Community Leadership School of the Year (Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Ltd)