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Articles By This Author

Aged Care

Catholic sector calls on Government to fully fund wage rise

Aged care staff are poised to receive a wage rise of up to 28 per cent after the Fair Work Commission handed down a landmark decision for the sector. Source: SBS News.

Education Religious Freedom

Faith-based schools raise alarm on hiring rules

Faith-based schools have urged Labor to safeguard the right to hire teachers who share their spiritual beliefs ahead of a report this week that is expected to recommend removing key protections from the Sex Discrimination Act. Source: The Australian.

Disability Education

Broken Bay to open new school for children with disabilities

Broken Bay Bishop Anthony Randazzo has announced an initiative that will create new options for families seeking an education for their children with disabilities. Source: Catholic Schools Broken Bay. 

Foreign Aid Middle East

Australia resumes funding for UNRWA in Gaza

Australia will resume its $6 million in funding to the United Nations’ “lifesaving” aid agency in Gaza, more than a month after it suspended its support and amid growing concerns about the worsening humanitarian crisis. Source: Herald Sun.


Family and community the keys to overcoming secularism: Pope

Faced with decades of rising secularism, the Church must invest in families and in strengthening other forms of community to transmit the faith, Pope Francis said on Friday. Source: CNS.

Easter Modern Slavery

Finding ethical sweet spot when buying chocolate this Easter

Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans is encouraging Australians to be responsible “indulgers” when buying or eating chocolate this Easter as part of its Indulge Responsibly Easter campaign. Source: Pathways.

Pope Francis

God’s glory found in loving and forgiving others: Pope 

God’s glory and true happiness are not found in success, fame, or popularity but in loving and forgiving others, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNA.

Charity Europe

Trevi Fountain coin ritual helps the poor of Rome

For hundreds of years, visitors have descended on Rome’s Trevi Fountain to make a wish, following a ritual coin toss. But the coins the tourists rarely give a second thought to actually provide practical help to people they will never meet. Source: ABC News.

Africa Ecology

Cardinal says mineral resources should help Africans, not hurt them

As minerals fuel deadly conflicts in Africa, a Congolese cardinal has urged local churches to ensure the continent’s abundant resources contribute to the benefit of its populations instead of hurting them. Source: OSV News.