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Articles By This Author

In The Dioceses

Handbags of Hope brighten lives of women in flood-hit community

Handbags full of hope have been delivered by some passionate people in the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese to a community that’s feeling a “little bit forgotten”. Source: MNnews.Today.

Ecology Education

Catholic school receives top award for environmental leadership

A coastal Victorian Catholic primary school has been recognised by Sustainability Victoria for its leadership and commitment to caring for the environment. Source: Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education.


Theologians meet to prepare Synod’s next guiding document

Twenty theologians are meeting in Rome for 10 days of preparatory work preceding the drafting of the guiding document for the next assembly of the Synod on Synodality. Source: CNA.

Environment South America

Amazon church tells Pope of concern over murder of eco-activists

Peruvian Cardinal Pedro Barreto SJ says the leading concerns for the Amazon region include not only issues like deforestation and illegal mining, but also the harassment and murder of environmental activists. Source: Crux.

Human Rights Politics

Parliamentary inquiry recommends national Human Rights Act

A new parliamentary report has recommended Australia pass a Human Rights Act that would make it illegal for any public authority to ignore human rights. Source: RiotACT.

Pope Francis Youth

Australian students to join in regional online chat with Pope

Australian students will join other Asia-Pacific young people in an online dialogue with Pope Francis ahead of his trip to the region. Source: NCR Online. 


Book offers Window on Creation with saint, pope and ‘eco-hero’ priest

In celebration of World Environment Day today, the Sisters of Saint Joseph have launched a new online educational resource, titled Window on Creation.


Number of asylum-seekers sent to Nauru on the rise again

The number of asylum-seekers on Nauru appears to have topped 100, with a further two groups of 37 people sent to the Pacific island. Source: The Guardian.

HIgher Education

Student exchange agreement strengthens ties with Taiwan university

The University of Notre Dame Australia has strengthened a 20-year strong alliance with a top Taiwanese university, in a move that will increase opportunities for exchange programs and international research collaborations.