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Articles By This Author

Politics Prayer Victoria

Calls to abandon Lord’s Prayer ‘inward-looking and unenlightening’

Melbourne Archbishop Peter A Comensoli says the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer at the start of parliamentary sitting days “is a community call to honour God, so as to love and serve others before ourselves”. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Employment HIgher Education

University confirms $3.6 million underpayment of staff

Australian Catholic University has apologised to hundreds of staff after an extensive audit found 1100 people were underpaid $3.6 million in wages over a seven year period. Source: Herald Sun.

Euthanasia Opinion

When ‘health care’ means the right to kill

Part of the absurdity of various legislation about euthanasia is that it is described as health care. Health care seeks to heal, cure, sustain and relieve suffering – but not to kill, writes Patrick McArdle. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Aged Care

Funding boost helps aged care homes but half still operating at a loss

A federal funding boost for nurses and care workers has pushed more aged care homes into the black, but just over half continue to operate at a loss. Source: The Australian.

HIgher Education Indigenous Leadership

Indigenous students get down to business

The University of Notre Dame Australia is this week hosting 32 Indigenous secondary school students from across Western Australia at its Broome campus as part of a program designed to inspire Australia’s future leaders.

Economy Pope Francis

Globalisation has a moral dimension, Pope tells business leaders

Nations and businesses must work together to promote ethically sound models of globalisation, Pope Francis told world business and government leaders. Source: OSV News.

Religious Freedom

Report warns of increasing persecution of Christians

Christians across East and West Africa are facing twin threats from jihadists and dictatorships, according to the 2024 World Watch List. Source: The Tablet.

Catechesis Pope Francis

The road to love must be travelled slowly: Pope

Continuing his catechetical series on vice and virtue, Pope Francis yesterday dedicated his general audience to highlighting the difference between love and lust, arguing that “in Christianity, there is no condemnation of the sexual instinct”. Source: CNA.

Eastern Rite India

New leaders fail to settle liturgy dispute in Syro-Malabar archdiocese

A recent change of leadership in India’s Syro-Malabar Church has not meant a change in policy on a liturgical dispute, with the Church’s governing Synod again calling for obedience regarding a contested mode of celebrating the Mass. Source: Crux.