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Disability Victoria

Young regional Victorians launch into independence

An innovative home in regional Victoria is giving young locals with disability a springboard to launch their independence. Source: VMCH.


Rwandans mark 30 years since 1994 genocide

As Rwanda marks 30 years since the 1994 genocide, the Catholic bishops in the country have expressed their closeness to survivors of the killings, while urging those convicted of crimes to seek forgiveness. Source: OSV News.


Ukrainian archbishop says Russia using ‘diabolical tactics’

Ukraine’s chief Catholic leader said Russia’s new strategy in its war against its neighbour is “the destruction of our civilian population”. Source: Crux.


Italian company accused of blasphemy over TV ad for chips

An Italian TV advertisement that depicts nuns eating potato chips instead of hosts while receiving Holy Communion has been accused of blasphemy by an outraged association of Catholic TV viewers. Source: The Guardian.

Bioethics Human Dignity Vatican

New Vatican document lists violations of human dignity

Being a Christian means defending human dignity and that includes opposing abortion, the death penalty, gender transition surgery, war, sexual abuse and human trafficking, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith says in a new document. Source: OSV News.

Family Violence In The Dioceses Safeguarding

‘We cannot remain silent in the face of this difficult reality’: Bishop Randazzo

“The Voice of the Vulnerable – A Catholic Response to Domestic Violence” is the theme for a safeguarding letter and video from Broken Bay Bishop Anthony Randazzo, issued yesterday to people and clergy in his diocese.

Cost Of Living Welfare

Advocates urge immediate increase to JobSeeker payments

Some of Australia’s lowest income earners are struggling to stay financially afloat as JobSeeker payments fail to keep up with rising living costs, advocates warn. Source: The Australian.


Centacare educator determined to give people with a disability a choice

Lesley Cutts is on a mission to ensure Centacare Catholic Family Services clients living in supported independent living or participating in short-term respite programs live life to the full. Source: The Southern Cross.

Charity Mission

Generosity of Australian Catholics helps more than 500,000 people

More than half a million people received access to health care, clean water, education and housing through Jesuit Mission Australia-supported programs in 14 countries last year, thanks to the generosity of the Australian Catholic community.