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Articles By This Author

Digital Life Education

Catholic high school expels student hackers

Students at a Perth Catholic school had been hacking into an online data portal to check grades and test scores for years before they were detected. Source: The West Australian.

Media Vatican

Vatican official defends use of Rupnik’s art

The head of the Vatican’s communications department is defending his office’s use of an accused sexual abuser’s art on its website. Source: Crux.

Europe Euthanasia

European Church leaders welcome ruling on assisted suicide

Catholic Church representatives have welcomed a ruling by Europe’s top human rights court that countries have no obligation to allow physician-assisted suicide. Source: OSV News.

United States

US state orders public schools to display Ten Commandments in every classroom

Louisiana has become the first state in the United States to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom. Source: NCR Online.

Pope Francis Youth

Catholic university students share their concerns with Pope

Pope Francis participated in a live video call with university students yesterday in which an Australian student expressed concern that teachers in Catholic schools are espousing gender theory. Source: CNA.

Charity Cost Of Living

More Australians need help, but we’re giving less

The cost-of-living crisis driving Australians to the nation’s charities has also forced up to 80 per cent of people to cut the amount they donate to welfare organisations. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Housing Tasmania

Catholic social enterprise wins national housing award

After just four years in operation, a unique Tasmanian Catholic social enterprise has won a prestigious national award. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.

Foreign Aid

How to respond to growing global challenges

Caritas Australia gathered supporters and ministers together at NSW Parliament House this week to discuss how the charity is responding to a series of increasingly intense and complex global challenges. 

HIgher Education Indigenous

‘Indigenous cousins’ heading to Rome after winning scholarships

Since their first day studying teaching at Australian Catholic University in Brisbane, Zane Ratcliff and Ryan St John have become inseparable. Source: ACU.