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Abortion Politics

Senator wants abortion on the national agenda as debate engulfs state politics

Coalition senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price wants abortion on the national agenda, declaring pregnancies ended after the first trimester are immoral and arguing late-stage abortions were akin to infanticide. Source: The Age.

Abortion Politics

Politicians urged to insist on conscience votes on life-and-death issues

Labor Party and trade union stalwart Joe de Bruyn has urged politicians across all parties to insist on their right to a conscience vote on life-and-death issues such as abortion and euthanasia. Source: The Australian.

Abortion United Kingdom

British court convicts man for silent prayer outside abortion clinic

A court has convicted a British army veteran of violating a “buffer zone” around an abortion clinic after he prayed silently within the boundary. Source: OSV News.

Abortion South Australia

South Australia’s upper house votes down late-term abortion law proposal

South Australia’s upper house has narrowly voted down a proposal to amend abortion laws that would have required people wanting to terminate their pregnancy after 28 weeks to deliver their baby alive. Source: ABC News.

Abortion Queensland

Queensland Opposition Leader under pressure over abortion stance

Conservative crossbench MPs will propose changes to Queensland’s abortion laws in the next term of Parliament, in a direct challenge to David Crisafulli’s authority over the LNP. Source: The Courier-Mail.

Abortion Queensland

Queensland inquiry rejects bill to protect babies born alive after abortion

A parliamentary committee has recommended the Queensland Government reject a bill that would protect babies who survive late-term abortions and are left to die. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Pro-life protesters call for ban on later-term abortions

A large crowd gathered at the steps of South Australia’s Parliament House yesterday for a rally in support of a controversial bill to ban later-term abortions. Source: The Advertiser.

Abortion South Australia

‘World-first’ bill sparks new debate on abortion in South Australia

A national debate on abortion law reform has been ignited in South Australia where there is a fresh legislative push requiring mothers seeking terminations after 28 weeks to deliver their babies alive – allowing the child to be put up for adoption. Source: The Australian.


Coalition split over Senate motion on abortion

Coalition senators have split when voting on a divisive motion regarding abortion, with a Liberal moderate imploring fellow politicians to “mind the language that we use” because “this is not our playground”. Source: The Guardian.