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Abortion Europe

Church alarmed by Macron’s abortion amendment for French constitution

The Church in France has voiced alarm at President Emmanuel Macron’s announcement that France would add the right to abortion into its constitution next year. Source: The Tablet.

Abortion Western Australia

Reforms to WA’s abortion laws pass

Reforms to Western Australia’s abortion laws have passed the state’s Parliament, including removing the need for women to be referred for an abortion by a doctor. Source: ABC News.


MP rebuked after likening abortion due to Down syndrome to ‘eugenics’

Conservative Liberal MP Nick Goiran has likened abortion due to the discovery of Down syndrome to “eugenics” as debate on the state’s abortion laws continued in the West Australian Parliament last week. Source: The West Australian. 

Abortion Western Australia

Push to retain mandatory counselling for women seeking abortion in WA

A West Australian Liberal MP has indicated she will oppose removing mandatory counselling for women seeking abortion in a bill to reform the state’s laws, while another has indicated support for a pro-life Labor MP’s amendments. Source: The West Australian.

Abortion Western Australia

WA bill would allow under 16s abortions without parental consent

Teenagers under the age of 16 in Western Australia would be allowed to seek an abortion without the permission of a parent or guardian under a major bill set to be introduced this week. Source:

Abortion Europe

Bishops condemn European Union’s drafting of ‘right to abortion’

European bishops have condemned the drafting of a right to abortion in the European Union’s Charter of Fundamental Rights, arguing that the proposed amendment would run afoul of European Union law and human dignity. Source: CNA.


Obstetricians warn women at risk after access to abortion pill expanded 

The Albanese Government’s expansion of abortion pill access puts women at risk of complications, or even death, an obstetrician body says. Source: The Australian.


Female Labor members want Government to broaden access to abortion pill

An influential group of female Labor members is calling on the Albanese Government to consider further broadening access to the abortion pill and allowing pharmacists to prescribe it without a script from a doctor or nurse. Source: The Australian.


New rules will broaden access to medical abortion pills

Access to medical abortions will be dramatically expanded in Australia under major changes that will allow all doctors and nurse practitioners to prescribe the pregnancy termination pill, and all pharmacies to stock it. Source: SMH.