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Digital Life Media Prayer

New podcast series explores the power of prayer 

In a year that has been dedicated to prayer by Pope Francis, Majellan Media has launched a new “Prayer is Life” podcast series featuring Redemptorist priest Father David Hore CSsR. 

Digital Life Peace

AI offers both exciting opportunities and grave risks: Pope

All forms of artificial intelligence should be used to alleviate suffering, promote integral development and help end wars, not increase inequality and injustice in the world, Pope Francis said in his message for World Peace Day 2024. Source: OSV News.

Digital Life

Experts dismiss claim AI could replace priests

A new poll published in a British Government report claims the priesthood is in danger of being replaced by artificial intelligence algorithms. Source: The Tablet.

Africa Digital Life

African bishops call for priests, religious to be formed for digital evangelisation

An African bishop has warned that the Church on the continent must go digital if it wants to cope with what he described as a 21st-century “Babel mediascape with no gatekeepers”. Source: Crux.

Digital Life Education

MACS looks to integrate artificial intelligence into education practice 

Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools is working towards integrating artificial intelligence into education practice across its 296 schools, engaging teachers and experts to ensure AI is used responsibly and effectively to enhance learning.

Digital Life Eastern Rite

Good news: Ukrainian Eparchy launches website

The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Australia, New Zealand and Oceania has launched its new website, focused on sharing the Word of God and acting as a “bridge to our people”, according to Bishop Mykola Bychok CSsR. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Digital Life Politics

‘Very concerned’ Pocock demands significant changes to misinformation bill 

Independent ACT Senator David Pocock holds serious concerns Labor’s proposed misinformation laws will jeopardise free speech and says he will not support the bill unless significant changes are made to address criticisms by legal and human rights experts. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Digital Life Politics Religious Freedom

Former judge says misinformation laws could tread ‘dangerous path’

Former judge Patrick Parkinson says Labor’s proposed laws to combat online misinformation will send it down a “dangerous path” of censorship, cautioning that religious teachings and claims about gender identity could be captured by the bill. Source: The Australian.

Charity Digital Life

How a 168-year-old charity embraced TikTok – and won a legion of young fans

The St Vincent de Paul Society, the 168-year-old charity, is proof that you’re never too old to embrace technology. Source: Mumbrella.