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Revealing the connection between Benedictine spirituality and eco-spirituality 

Two Benedictine Sisters from the United States have arrived in Australia for a month-long visit during which they will give a series of retreats and workshops, focusing on the connection between Benedictine spirituality and eco-spirituality. Source: The Good Oil.

Ecology Environment Religious Orders

Josephites continue discussion on the environment

The Josephite Laudato Si’ Action Plan team has released its second “conversation package” designed to spark discussion on the environment and Pope Francis’ encyclicals Laudato Si’ and Laudate Deum. Source: Sisters of Saint Joseph.

Climate Ecology

Selfishness blocking progress on climate change, cardinal says

Efforts to slow climate change and mitigate its impact, particularly on the poor, are being thwarted by selfishness, the Vatican secretary of state has told world leaders at the COP29 climate conference. Source: Angelus News.

Ecology United Nations

Caritas Australia represented at UN forum on sustainable development 

The United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development was held in New York last week, with Caritas Australia in attendance.

Ecology For The Diary

Convocation a call to action in caring for our common home

Caritas Australia’s Catholic Earthcare team is inviting schools, parishes, diocese, organisations, and religious orders to join its 2024 Season of Creation convocation.

Ecology Pope Francis

Creation God’s gift for humanity to steward, not prey upon: Pope

Being obedient to God’s commandment and spirit of love can radically change attitudes and actions to convert people from “predators” of natural resources to “tillers” of God’s great garden of planet Earth, Pope Francis says in his message for the 2024 the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Source: CNS.

Ecology Vatican

Pope launches project that could see Vatican run on solar power

Pope Francis has appointed two special commissioners to start work on building an agrivoltaic system on a Vatican property outside of Rome that could supply the whole of Vatican City’s energy needs. Source: OSV News.

Ecology Education

Catholic school receives top award for environmental leadership

A coastal Victorian Catholic primary school has been recognised by Sustainability Victoria for its leadership and commitment to caring for the environment. Source: Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education.


Caritas sows seeds of hope in parishes and schools

Caritas Australia’s Catholic Earthcare program is helping parishes and schools celebrate Laudato Si’ Week, focusing on the theme “Seeds of Hope”.