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Europe Euthanasia

Irish bishops ‘totally reject’ the legalisation of assisted suicide

The Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference “totally rejects” a recommendation the incoming government should legalise assisted suicide in restricted circumstances. Source: The Tablet.


Church and state clash over entry fee for Notre Dame

France’s culture minister on Monday locked horns with the Church on whether tourists should pay to enter Notre Dame Cathedral when it reopens next month. Source:


Austrian bishop says anti-Semitic incident in Amsterdam ‘deeply alarming’

An Austrian bishop says the beating and taunting of a group of Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam last week evoked Kristallnacht, “the darkest and most shameful days of our own history”. Source: CNA.


Notre Dame‘s bells ring for the first time since 2019 fire

The bells of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris have rung for the first time since April 2019, when a devastating fire broke out in the spire and roof of the historic church. Source: National Catholic Register.


At least 95 people feared dead in Spanish floods

The Archbishop of Valencia expressed “grave concern” after torrential rains caused massive flooding in southeastern Spain, with at least 95 people feared dead, and many more missing. Source: NCR Online.


Irish Archbishop says Church must ensure next generation believes in God

The Primate of All Ireland says some Irish dioceses and parishes will not survive financially and while there is “pain in letting go” passing on the Faith is more important. Source: The Irish Catholic.


Church opposes plan to charge admission to Notre Dame

The French government has proposed introducing an entry fee for Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris to fund the conservation of religious heritage sites in France. Source: Catholic Herald.

Archaeology Europe

Researchers discover oldest church in world’s first Christian nation

German and Armenian researchers have discovered an ancient church in Armenia dating back to the fourth century, making it the oldest documented church in the country, which is considered to be the first Christian nation in the world. Source: CNA.

Europe Immigration

Irish bishops call on nation to welcome migrants

As the Republic of Ireland promises a firmer stance against migrants, the Irish bishops have issued a statement calling the nation “to welcome migrants so as to support the defence of their inalienable rights”. Source: Crux.