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Europe Saints

Spanish banker killed in 2017 London attack on path to beatification

Spain’s Madrid Archdiocese is pressing for the beatification of a bank employee and skateboard enthusiast who was killed attempting to save passers-by during a 2017 Islamist terror attack in London. Source: OSV News.

Abortion Europe

Irish Catholics urged to change narrative around abortion

Irish bishops have urged Massgoers to change the narrative around abortion, five years on from the referendum that removed the constitutional guarantee to life of unborn children. Source: The Tablet.

Europe Religious Freedom

EU bishops welcome scrapping of proposed Danish religion law

The Brussels-based commission representing the European Union’s Catholic bishops (COMECE) has welcomed the withdrawal of a proposed law in Denmark that would have required all religious statements and homilies to be translated into Danish. Source: The Tablet.


French priests issued with ID cards

The Church in France has begun issuing a new ID card proving a priest can administer the sacraments, to ensure tighter security amid continued revelations of sexual and spiritual abuse. Source: The Tablet.


Church in Germany faces major decline in membership and revenue

Germany’s Catholic Church will be forced to give up a third of its properties in the face of dwindling membership and revenue, according to a new report, with many buildings facing demolition unless converted to other uses. Source: OSV News.

Europe Pope Francis

Freedom under threat in Europe: Pope Francis

Freedom is under threat in Europe, as people choose consumerism and individualism over building families and community, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNA.

Europe Liturgy

Vatican prefect rejects German plan for lay homilies, Baptisms

The prefect of the Vatican’s liturgy office has intervened against the implementation of resolutions of the German Synodal Way that demand laypeople should be able to regularly baptise and preach the homily at Mass in churches across Germany. Source: CNA.

Europe Human Rights

Patrick hailed as saint for victims of human trafficking

St Patrick has been celebrated as a patron for human trafficking victims and migrants in a statement by the Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, Eamon Martin. Source: The Tablet.

Abuse crisis Europe

Polish Church condemns abuse charges against John Paul II

Polish Church leaders have reacted angrily to new claims that St John Paul II covered up clerical sexual abuse while serving as Archbishop of Krakow before his papal election and vowed to “defend his good name”. Source: The Tablet.