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Feast Day In The Dioceses

Cross the centrepiece for St Mary MacKillop feast day

A 2.7m high cross made from the floorboards of the first school established by Mary MacKillop in Penola was the centrepiece of the feast day Mass for Australia’s first saint at an Adelaide parish yesterday. Source: The Southern Cross.

Employment Feast Day

St Joseph the Worker message urges action against sexual harassment

In a message for the feast of St Joseph the Worker, Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv has called for the Church’s workplaces to be “characterised by respect and freedom, by mutual esteem and kindness”. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Feast Day Pope Francis

Nothing is impossible for God, not even peace in Ukraine: Pope

Pope Francis has asked Catholics around the world to join him in entrusting to Mary “the universal desire for peace, especially for the martyred Ukraine, which is suffering so much”. Source: CNS.