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Foreign Aid Middle East

Australia resumes funding for UNRWA in Gaza

Australia will resume its $6 million in funding to the United Nations’ “lifesaving” aid agency in Gaza, more than a month after it suspended its support and amid growing concerns about the worsening humanitarian crisis. Source: Herald Sun.

Foreign Aid

Caritas joins faith-based agencies to campaign for a safer world

Caritas Australia has joined faith-based agencies to campaign for a “Safer World for All”, calling for the Australian Government to help prevent global catastrophes by investing in foreign aid, building a fairer global economy and taking action on climate change.

Foreign Aid Middle East

Türkiye-Syria earthquake victims remembered a year after tragedy

Today marks one year since a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Syria and Türkiye, followed by another of similar strength just hours later, killing more than 50,000 people. Source: Caritas Australia.

Foreign Aid Middle East

Caritas warns cutting aid funding will worsen humanitarian crisis in Gaza

Caritas Australia says the humanitarian crisis in Gaza will escalate without adequate aid funding, after Australia and other Western countries suspended aid to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.

Charity Foreign Aid

Caritas and Catholic community ‘offer a beacon of light and hope’

Caritas Australia has announced that more than 760,000 people were directly supported through its long-term programs and emergency responses over a 12-month period.

Charity Foreign Aid Ukraine

Caritas support continues as Ukrainians face second winter of conflict

The Caritas Australia Ukraine Crisis Appeal continues to assist 32 Caritas-Spes Ukraine centres, with the project focused on meeting the basic needs of vulnerable internally displaced people and other war-affected households.

Foreign Aid Middle East

Gaza ceasefire to be extended by two days

A ceasefire in the war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas will be extended by two days, continuing a pause in seven weeks of fighting that has killed thousands and laid waste to the Palestinian enclave. Source: The Age.

Foreign Aid Pope Francis

Pope calls for access to humanitarian aid in Gaza and Sudan

World leaders must ensure that humanitarian aid reaches the people affected by the ongoing wars in Gaza and Sudan, Pope Francis said on Sunday. Source: NCR Online.

Foreign Aid Middle East

Caritas welcomes Government’s announcement of $15m in aid for Gaza

Caritas Australia has welcomed the Albanese Government’s announcement of an additional $15 million in funding to support those affected by the ongoing conflict in Gaza.