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Human Rights Vatican

Vatican reiterates opposition to death penalty

Vatican foreign minister Archbishop Paul Gallagher yesterday addressed three different Human Rights Council sessions focusing on the death penalty, global debt justice, and the broader challenges facing human rights. Source: Vatican News.

Human Rights

Human rights report lashes Australia over asylum seekers, youth justice

Australia’s “diabolical” treatment of asylum seekers and youth crime has worsened, a global human rights advocacy body has warned. Source: The Guardian.

Human Rights Pope Francis

Millions of people deprived of basic rights due to war: Pope

As the United Nations marked Human Rights Day yesterday, Pope Francis reminded world leaders that our “human rights to life and peace are essential conditions for the exercise of all other rights”. Source: Vatican News.

Appointment Human Rights

Former Labor senator named new Anti-Slavery Commissioner

The Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network has welcomed the historic appointment of Chris Evans as Australia’s first national Anti-Slavery Commissioner.

Human Rights

Commonwealth leaders agree on ‘reparatory justice’ for slavery

Commonwealth leaders have agreed “the time has come” for a conversation about making amends for slavery. Source: ABC News.

Human Rights Modern Slavery

ACRATH lobbies federal MPs for more action on modern slavery

Staff and members of Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans are at Parliament House in the ACT this week to discuss modern slavery and human trafficking with MPs.

Human Rights South America

Missing boy spurs Church groups to fight trafficking in Argentina

More than two months after a five-year-old boy went missing in a northeastern Argentina, the Church continues to promote marches to demand his captors release him. Source: OSV News.

Charity Human Rights

Caritas Australia condemns historic humanitarian death toll 

Caritas Australia has condemned the historic humanitarian death toll revealed by the United Nations this week, saying that aid workers in conflict zones should be protected.

Human Rights Research

Victims treated as criminals in fight against organ trafficking

Victims are recast as offenders according to Australian Catholic University research that has identified criminal justice gaps and corruption in the fight against illegal organ trafficking bazaars.