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Pope recognises US Franciscan martyrs

Pope Francis has formally recognised that five Franciscan missionaries ministering in what is now the US state of Georgia were killed for their faith. Source: CNS.

Martyrs Saints

Sixteen Carmelites executed during French Revolution declared saints

Pope Francis has declared as saints 16 Carmelite martyrs executed by guillotine during the French Revolution and confirmed the martyrdom and heroic virtues of five others in a series of decrees published yesterday. Source: Catholic Review.

Asia Martyrs

Korean diocese honours martyred missionary priest

Wonju Diocese in South Korea has unveiled a statue of the US-born missionary priest James Maginn who was martyred by North Korean communist forces during the Korean War. Source: UCA News.

Martyrs Pope Francis Prayer

Courage of Christian martyrs a blessing for everyone: Pope  

Christians who never renounce their love for Christ and are faithful to the point of death are a blessing for everyone, Pope Francis says in a video released yesterday. Source: CNS.

Europe Martyrs

Catholics call for opening of canonisation cause for slain sacristan

Catholics in the southern Spanish Diocese of Cádiz and Ceuta are calling for the Church to promote the canonisation cause of Diego Valencia, a sacristan who was murdered by a Muslim extremist in January. Source: CNA. 


Vatican puts 35 Catholic ‘martyrs of Kandhamal’ in India on road to sainthood

The Church in India has welcomed the news that the Vatican will initiate the beatification process for the 35 Catholic martyrs of Kandhamal who were killed in the 2008 Christian persecution in the remote jungle district of the eastern Odisha state. Source: National Catholic Register.

Eastern Rite Martyrs

Melkite Patriarch to visit Australia

Melkite Patriarch Joseph Absi will visit Australia and New Zealand in November and December at the invitation of the Pontifical Foundation, Aid to the Church in Need.


‘Night of the Witnesses’ to honour martyred Christians

St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne will host an evening of testimony, prayer and song to honour martyred Christians at the second annual “Night of the Witnesses” in November. Source: Melbourne Catholic.