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Peace Pope Francis

Pope says illness has given him deepened perspective on ‘absurdity’ of war

Offering further confirmation of his ongoing recovery, Pope Francis has written to Italy’s leading newspaper from his hospital room to call for “disarming the earth” in the context of various wars, including Ukraine and Gaza. Source: Crux.

Peace Pope Francis

Pray and do penance for peace: Pope

Pope Francis yesterday called on Catholics to pray and do penance for the peaceful resolution of global conflicts, saying people are born into the world to help communities thrive, not to kill. Source: CNS.

Peace Pope Francis

Pope calls for end to death penalty and foreign debt

Pope Francis has called on all nations to end the death penalty, divert arms spending to a global fund to fight hunger, and cancel the debt of developing nations in order to usher in a new era of hope. Source: OSV News.

Peace Pope Francis

Pursuit of peace not the responsibility of a few but of all: Pope 

Reflecting on the upcoming Christmas season, Pope Francis yesterday warned that if “desensitisation and indifference to the horrors of war prevail, all of humanity is defeated”. Source: Vatican News.

Peace Pope Francis

Pope renews call for peace in Ukraine and Holy Land

Pope Francis yesterday renewed his heartfelt appeal for peace and solidarity for those suffering war, especially in Ukraine and the Holy Land. Source: Vatican News.

Asia Peace

Fans of peace call for nuclear-free Northeast Asia

A three-nation Catholic peace meeting in Japan has appealed for an end to militarisation and nuclear arms race in Northeast Asia. Source: UCA News.

Holy Land Peace

Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem expresses dismay over ‘terrible war’

Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, has addressed Christians in the Holy Land with a heartfelt message ahead of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15. Source: Vatican News.

Peace Pope Francis

First step on road to peace is forgiveness of foreign debt: Pope

The annual celebration of the World Day of Peace during the Holy Year 2025 will be inspired by “the concepts of hope and forgiveness, which are at the heart of the Jubilee”, the Vatican said yesterday. Source: CNS.

Peace Sport

Pope urges all nations to observe Olympic truce

With world peace under serious threat, Pope Francis called on all nations to observe the Olympic truce and cease all conflicts for the traditional period before, during and after the Olympic Games in Paris. Source: CNS.