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Employment Politics

Government pushes for rise in minimum wage to keep pace with inflation

The Albanese Government will push for minimum and award wage increases that keep pace with inflation, which has been sitting at 4.1 per cent over the year to December 2023. Source: ABC News.

Politics Religious Freedom

Church denounces report on discrimination and schools

The Australian Law Reform Commission’s report on religious educational institutions and anti-discrimination laws released yesterday is unhelpful and falls far short of meeting the Government’s election promises, the Catholic bishops said. Source: ACBC/SMH.

Health Politics

World-first laws banning disposable vapes to go before parliament

Legislation for a world-first ban on disposable vapes is set to pass federal Parliament’s lower house within weeks, as public health bodies urge politicians to heed their warnings on what they say are the catastrophic health dangers of e-cigarettes. Source: The Australian.

Politics Religious Freedom

PM to shelve discrimination law changes unless there is bipartisan support

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has told Labor colleagues he won’t proceed with changes to discrimination law unless he gains Coalition support. Source: The Age.

Politics Religious Freedom

Archbishop Porteous warns existence of religious schools under threat

Hobart Archbishop Julian Porteous has called on the Albanese Government to reject proposals to remove protections for religious institutions from the Sex Discrimination Act because they are “a most serious threat to the existence” of religious schools. Source: The Australian. 

New South Wales Politics

Faith leaders welcome exceptions in proposed conversion practices ban

Faith leaders welcomed exceptions for religious faith and practice in the New South Wales Government’s proposed conversion practices ban but warned that the laws may still negatively affect faith communities. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

New South Wales Politics

NSW gay conversion therapy bill offers exemptions for religion, parents

A bill to ban gay conversion therapy was introduced into the NSW Parliament yesterday, with allowances made for parents and religious sermons. Source: ABC News.

Aged Care Politics

Government urged to fund $1.9 billion wage rise for aged care sector 

Catholic Health Australia is urging the Albanese Government to fund a $1.9 billion a year wage rise for the aged care sector’s direct care workers and residential indirect care workers. Source: The Australian. 

Modern Slavery Politics

ACAN advocacy wins bipartisan support for slavery survivors 

Advocates for the Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network have won key amendments to Commonwealth legislation to give victim-survivors a voice in the national response to modern slavery.