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First Nations Politics

Official Voice pamphlets go out to millions of households

Millions of pamphlets outlining the official Yes and No cases for the Voice to Parliament are going out across the country, as Prime Minister Anthony Albanese prepares to announce the referendum date. Source:


Labor misinformation law ‘a dangerous proposition for society’

Human rights and civil liberties groups have expressed serious doubts about Labor’s move to quash misinformation, claiming its proposed law threatens free speech and democratic rights. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Housing Politics

‘More people renting for life’: Australian dream disappears in bleak forecast

A new report predicts millions of Australians will miss out on home ownership as the nation heads towards a long period of slow growth in household incomes, forcing more people to fall back on the age pension to pay for shelter. Source: The Age.

First Nations Politics

Date of Voice referendum to be announced next week

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will announce the date of the Voice to Parliament referendum in the crucial swing state of South Australia at the end of next week. Source: The Age.


Intergenerational Report projects government spending will rise by $140bn

Health, aged care, disability, defence and interest payments on debt will account for half of Commonwealth spending in 40 years’ time, according to an expert from the Intergenerational Report, to be released this week. Source: ABC News.

Housing Politics

New $3.5b incentive for states to lift housing target

National cabinet has backed a deal on housing that sets a new target to build 1.2 million homes over five years, with the promise of $3 billion in incentives for states and territories to meet the goal. Source: The Age.

First Nations Politics

Albanese rules out legislating the Voice if No campaign prevails 

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has ruled out legislating a Voice to Parliament if the referendum is defeated, pledging that he will honour a No vote and the decision of the Australian people. Source: The Australian.

Health Politics

Gallagher takes swipe at Pocock over support for Calvary inquiry

Finance Minister Katy Gallagher has taken a swipe at independent ACT Senator David Pocock for supporting the expansion of a federal parliamentary inquiry into a bill to compel an ACT Government inquiry into the takeover of Calvary Public Hospital Bruce. Source: Canberra Times.

Health Politics

Archbishop Comensoli says hospital takeover sets ‘worrying precedent’

Melbourne Archbishop Peter A. Comensoli has accused the ACT Government of forcibly acquiring Calvary Public Hospital Bruce because its Catholic ethos was “inconvenient”, saying the takeover sets a “worrying precedent for civil society groups”. Source: The Australian.