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Pope Francis
Nativity scene echoes beauty of our faith: Pope
Whether simple or elaborate, the same every year or constantly changing, a Nativity scene echoes “the beauty of our faith”, Pope Francis has written in the introduction to a new book. Source: CNS.
Pope sees threat of Church in Germany moving away from Rome
Pope Francis has expressed his concern about initiatives individual dioceses and the Church in Germany as a whole are taking, including the establishment of a synodal council, which he said threatens to steer it away from the universal Church. Source: OSV News.
Pope says poverty a ‘scandal’ and urges Christians to use gifts for charity
The material, cultural and spiritual poverties that exist in the world are a “scandal” that Christians are called to address by putting their God-given capacity for charity and love into action, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNS.
Pope reminds priests of the ‘essential tie’ between prayer and service
The daily rhythm of the life of a priest should resemble “ping pong” – praying on one’s knees before the tabernacle, helping those in need and returning to prayer, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: NCR Online.
First people who need to be evangelised are Christians: Pope
Often enough, the first people who need to be evangelised are Christians themselves, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: NCR Online.
Pope tells youth to ‘rejoice in hope’ in these dark times
In a letter released yesterday ahead of the 38th diocesan World Youth Day on November 26, Pope Francis describes youth as a time of “hopes and dreams”, and asks how this optimism can be sustained in an increasingly crisis-ridden world. Source: Vatican News.
Pope marks two-year anniversary of platform, asks for prayers for COP28
Pope Francis has marked the two-year anniversary of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, which aims to promote care for the environment. Source: Vatican News.
Pope calls for access to humanitarian aid in Gaza and Sudan
World leaders must ensure that humanitarian aid reaches the people affected by the ongoing wars in Gaza and Sudan, Pope Francis said on Sunday. Source: NCR Online.
Israel agrees to daily four-hour military pauses in northern Gaza
Israel has agreed to daily four-hour military pauses in northern Gaza for humanitarian purposes, the White House has announced, while Pope Francis has again expressed his sorrow for the situation in the Holy Land. Sources: The Australian and Vatican News.