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Pope Francis

Forgiveness heals the poisons of resentment: Pope

Think of someone who has hurt you and ask God for the strength to forgive that person, Pope Francis told the crowd gathered in St Peter’s Square yesterday. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis

Pope and Clinton to discuss ‘most pressing global challenges of our time’

Pope Francis and former United States president Bill Clinton will discuss pressing issues facing the world at the annual meeting of the Clinton Foundation’s global humanitarian effort next week, the foundation announced yesterday. Source: CNA.

Catechesis Pope Francis

‘Doctor of the poor’ put faith into action: Pope

Christians are not called to merely notice and criticise the social, economic and political issues of the day, but, like Blessed José Gregorio Hernández, they must “get their hands dirty” and commit themselves to action, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: OSV News.

Disability Employment Pope Francis

Employers’ first job is to take care of their workers: Pope

Workers are human beings, not machines or “spare parts” to be used to drive production and profit at all costs, Pope Francis has told members of an organisation that advocates for people seriously injured or disabled on the job. Source: NCR Online.

Education Peace Pope Francis

Greater literacy promotes sustainable and peaceful societies: Pope

If people can learn how to inflict suffering on others with ever more deadly weapons, they can also learn to stop doing so, Pope Francis said in a message marking International Literacy Day. Source: NCR Online.

Pope Francis

Addressing others’ wrongs without anger requires courage: Pope

To speak with someone who has wronged us is a process that requires “real courage”, Pope Francis said yesterday, reflecting on the theme of “fraternal correction”. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis Prayer Ukraine

Pope calls for October to be dedicated to praying for peace in Ukraine

Insisting that there is “a need for more prayer, for conversion and an end to the conflict” in Ukraine, Pope Francis has invited Christians to dedicate October to praying for peace and reconciliation in the war-torn country. Source: Vatican News.

Asia Papal Trip Pope Francis

Pope encountered ‘a humble and joyful Church’ in Mongolia

Pope Francis said he knows people wonder why he travelled close to 10,000 kilometres to Mongolia to visit a Catholic community of only 1450 people. Source: NCR Online.

Pope Francis Synod

Synod will have no place for ideology: Pope

Pope Francis yesterday outlined his vision for the upcoming synodal assembly in October, which he said should be a prayerful exercise in dialogue free from ideology, not full of “political chatter” like a television talk show. Source: CNA.