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Immigration Pope Francis

Don’t be indifferent to migrant tragedies: Pope

Following yet another migrant tragedy in the Mediterranean, Pope Francis has expressed his sorrow and urged people not to be indifferent in the face of continuing migrant deaths during dangerous sea crossings. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis World Youth Day

World Youth Day was an encounter with Christ: Pope

Reflecting on his apostolic journey to Portugal for World Youth Day in Lisbon, Pope Francis praised the event as a moment to meet Christ, discover faith and experience God’s love. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis World Youth Day

Pope scrapped prepared speeches to ‘better communicate with young people’

Pope Francis said on Sunday he ditched speeches during his five-day trip to Portugal and spoke off-the-cuff not because he was tired or feeling unwell, but to better communicate with young people. Source: Sight Magazine.

Pope Francis Priesthood

Pope: ‘Spiritual worldliness’ a great danger to Church and its priests

Spiritual worldliness is one of the most dangerous temptations facing priests and the Church because it “reduces spirituality to appearance” while disconnecting it from the Gospel, Pope Francis has warned. Source: CNA. 

Pope Francis World Youth Day

Don’t be afraid to change the world, Pope tells youth at WYD closing Mass

To end World Youth Day 2023, Pope Francis told 1.5 million weary-eyed and sleep-deprived young people in Lisbon not to let their “great dreams” of changing the world be “stopped by fear”. Source: CNS.

Pope Francis World Youth Day

Europe should invest in young people, not weapons: Pope

Pope Francis arrived in Lisbon yesterday for the World Youth Day festival with a blunt message for European leaders: invest in young people rather than weapons. Source: NCR Online.

Pope Francis Ukraine

Pope calls on Russia to renew Ukraine grain deal

Pope Francis has made a direct call to Russia to renew the deal that allowed Ukraine to export grain to countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis World Youth Day

Pope Francis meets Melbourne pilgrims

Pilgrims from Melbourne Archdiocese met Pope Francis in Rome yesterday in a special private audience as part of the lead-up to World Youth Day Lisbon. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Pope Francis World Youth Day

Open yourself to God, Pope tells marginalised youth ahead of WYD

Young people today must be open to love and let themselves be led and accompanied by God in the face of life’s challenges, Pope Francis says in a new podcast. Source: OSV News.