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Pope Francis Vatican

War is a crime against humanity: Pope

Pope Francis made a strong appeal for peace yesterday, calling modern warfare “a crime against humanity” that sows death among civilians and destroys cities. Source: National Catholic Register.

Pope Francis Vatican

Pope urges Vatican bureaucrats to resist ‘rigid ideological positions’

In his annual Christmas address to members of the Roman Curia, Pope Francis urged the Church’s governing bureaucracy to be open to change and to resist “rigid ideological positions” that prevent them from moving forward. Source: Crux.

Christmas Pope Francis

Christmas gifts and parties are fine, but don’t forget Jesus: Pope 

Exchanging Christmas gifts and organising holiday parties are all well and good, but Christians should contemplate the scene of Jesus’ birth to recover what is truly important during the Christmas season, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: OSV News.

China Pope Francis

Pope prays for victims of earthquake in China

Pope Francis says he is “close with affection and prayer” to the people of China’s Gansu and Qinghai provinces, after a 6.2 magnitude earthquake on Monday. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis

Pope Francis celebrates birthday with families

Pope Francis celebrated his 87th birthday yesterday ahead of his weekly Angelus by meeting with children and families who are assisted by the Vatican’s Santa Marta Paediatric Dispensary. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis

Pope reveals plans for his funeral and burial

While insisting that his health is improving and he has no plans to resign, Pope Francis has revealed that he’s begun making plans for his own funeral and burial. Source: Crux.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Pope urges Christians to ‘be open’ to the Word of God

Pope Francis concluded his yearlong series of talks about zeal for evangelisation yesterday, urging Christians to “be open” to the Word of God. Source: NCR Online.

Pope Francis United Nations

Commitment to human rights never ends: Pope 

Pope Francis yesterday marked the 75th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis Youth

Pope announces first World Day of Children

The Church will celebrate its first World Day of Children in May next year, Pope Francis announced on Friday. Source: CNA.