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Religious Freedom Victoria

Victorian Government faces showdown with faith groups over hate laws 

A proposed overhaul of Victoria’s hate laws has provoked a backlash from Church leaders and faith-based groups who fear the reforms will erode protections for religious freedom. Source: The Age.

Religious Freedom Victoria

Melbourne Archdiocese raises concerns over changes to hate speech laws

Victoria’s hate speech laws will be drastically expanded beyond race and religion to protect the LGBTQIA+ community and people with a disability. Source: ABC News.

HIgher Education Religious Freedom

Archbishop Comensoli defends de Bruyn after ACU walkout

Melbourne Archbishop Peter A Comensoli and Cardinal-designate Mykola Bychok have defended retired trade unionist Joe de Bruyn’s right to uphold Catholic teaching in his speech to Australian Catholic University graduates last week. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

India Religious Freedom

Christians in India arrested for distributing religious literature

Police arrested 19 Christians in India for distributing religious literature at two government-run schools without the permission of the school staff. Source: Crux.

Religious Freedom South Australia

South Australian gay conversion bill ‘strips parental rights’ 

South Australia is poised to usher through legislation banning gay conversion therapy, despite concerns raised by some religious leaders and academics that the proposed changes will remove the rights of parents and impinge on religious freedoms. Source: The Australian.

Politics Religious Freedom

Labor waters down promised ‘hate speech’ bill

Labor has scrubbed criminal penalties for seriously vilifying minority groups from its upcoming hate crimes bill, just months after Prime Minister Anthony Albanese promised to introduce stronger measures to protect people from hate speech. Source: The Age.

Religious Freedom

Queensland religious leaders sound alarm over harassment laws

A coalition of Queensland’s religious leaders says the Miles Government’s proposed overhaul of workplace sexual harassment laws could force faith-based institutions to teach against their beliefs on sexuality and gender. Source: The Australian.

Leadership Religious Freedom

Study shows people want leaders who will stand up for religious beliefs

People around the globe favour leaders who stand up for their constituents with religious beliefs, even if the beliefs are not their own, a new Pew Research Centre survey shows. Source: NCR Online.

Europe Religious Freedom

Watchdog reports alarming rise in Christian persecution in Europe

A European watchdog has warned of serious anti-Christian violence in Europe and called on governments to protect converts from Islam in particular. Source: CNA.