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Bishops Religious Freedom

Archbishop pens letter on religious freedom

Hobart Archbishop Julian Porteous has written a pastoral letter to the faithful of Tasmania expressing concern over threats to religious freedom posed by “certain ideological positions” imposed “by means of legislation”. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.

Education Religious Freedom

Faith is under attack, says federal coalition

Pressure is mounting on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese over religious discrimination laws with parents and teachers declaring the proposed changes an attack on faith-based schools. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Education Religious Freedom

Tasmanian Catholics unite against changes to religious freedom laws

Catholic Education Tasmania has written to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese urging him not to “enact laws that will divide us over religion”. Source: The Australian.

Queensland Religious Freedom

State plays down concern over discrimination act changes

The Queensland Government has played down claims its changes to anti-discrimination legislation will be the most restrictive in the nation amid a threat it could become an election issue. Source: Courier-Mail.

Queensland Religious Freedom

Proposed changes to Queensland act would  ‘betray’ faith communities

Proposed changes to the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act would be a “betrayal of all faith communities” in the state, an open letter from Queensland Churches Together warns. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Religious Freedom

Bishop ‘not opposed’ to video of stabbing remaining online

The Assyrian bishop at the centre of an alleged terror stabbing says he does not want the attack to be used as a “weapon” to suppress freedom of speech, declaring that he was concerned it could be hijacked to further others’ “political interest”. Source: The Australian.

Politics Religious Freedom

Labor looks to pass religious discrimination laws within months

Labor will move to get religious discrimination laws passed in the middle of the year, as Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus says the issue can’t be dragged out. Source: The West Australian.

Europe Religious Freedom

Vatican lodges complaint over French court case

In response to a decision by a French court to award damages to a nun dismissed from her religious order after 34 years of service, the Vatican has lodged a formal protest with the French embassy to the Holy See complaining of violations of religious freedom. Source: Crux.

Education Religious Freedom

Albanese urged to ignore review of discrimination at religious schools 

Religious leaders and the Coalition are urging Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to ignore a report the Government commissioned into reducing discrimination at faith-based schools. Source: The Australian.