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Opinion Religious Freedom

Take politics out of religious discrimination reform

With Prime Minister Anthony Albanese confirming he will not follow through on his election commitment to introduce a religious discrimination bill, is the reform effort to die with a whimper, asks Mark Fowler. Source: The Australian.

Religious Freedom

US Catholic scholar focuses on religious freedoms in Tim Fischer Oration 

Religious freedoms were the focus of the second Tim Fischer Oration, with Helen Alvaré warning that society faces a threat “way worse than ignorance or mean-spiritedness – a seeming rejection of reason itself”. Source: Catholic Voice.

Central America Religious Freedom

Nicaraguan government extinguishes legal status of religious orders

The Nicaraguan Government has extinguished the legal status of more than 25 Catholic organisations, including religious orders, another diocesan Caritas chapter and lay Catholic groups, as part of an attack on civil society with the closure of 1500 nongovernmental organisations. Source: OSV News.

Religious Freedom

Broken election promise sparks community anger 

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has angered both equality advocates and faith groups after abandoning his election promise to introduce religious discrimination reforms and protect LGBTQ students and teachers in a bid to avoid a culture war. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

New South Wales Religious Freedom

Faith leaders welcome further delay to parliamentary debate on ‘Equality Bill’

Opponents of independent Sydney MP Alex Greenwich’s “Equality Bill” have welcomed a further delay to debate but say they will continue to push hard to have it rejected altogether from the New South Wales Parliament. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Religious Freedom

Labor abandons attempts to pass religious discrimination bill

Anthony Albanese appears to have confirmed that his Government has abandoned attempts to pass a religious discrimination bill during this term of Parliament. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Religious Freedom South East Asia

Indonesian Christians hail move to ease building of churches

Christians in Indonesia have supported a plan to end the need for a mandatory nod from the religious harmony forums when building houses of worship, including churches. Source: UCA News.

Religious Freedom

Liberal senator warns against making religious freedom a ‘partisan issue’

Queensland Liberal senator Paul Scarr says the religious freedom debate in Australia is more than just a political issue. Source: The Catholic Leader.

India Religious Freedom

Christian leaders say India’s anti-conversion laws target Christians

A delegation of Christian leaders has urged India’s federal government to ask 11 states to repeal the sweeping anti-conversion laws, which they say target Christians. Source: UCA News.