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Religious Orders

Archbishop’s decree creates new leadership model for MSS

In a historic moment for the Missionary Sisters of Service, Melbourne Archbishop Peter A Comensoli has issued a decree appointing Good Samaritan Sister Veronica Hoey as the canonical delegate for the MSS for the next three years. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Aged Care Religious Orders

New aged care facility aims to be ahead of its times

The Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth is planning a new aged care facility in Greater Western Sydney that will be the first of its kind in the country when completed in 2025. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Religious Orders

Religious communities must embrace change, says visiting US Sister

During a recent national tour, Pennsylvania-based Sr Mary Pellegrino CSJ addressed South Australian consecrated men and women about the challenges facing religious communities and the importance of embracing change. Source: The Southern Cross.

Appointment Religious Orders

Star of the Sea Province appoints first head of province ministries

The Marists of Champagnat Star of the Sea Province have appointed Mark Pauschmann as its first executive director of province ministries.

In The Dioceses Religious Orders

How a congregation of Kenyan sisters ended up in Broome

The Assumption Sisters of Eldoret are a young diocesan congregation from western Kenya with a presence in only three places: Kenya, South Sudan – and Broome. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Religious Orders

Presentation Sisters celebrate 150 years at ‘the ends of the earth’

The Presentation Sisters of Victoria have commemorated their 150th anniversary of foundation in the state. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Papal Trip Religious Orders

Australian delegation travelled to PNG for Pope’s visit

Leaders of religious institutes, bishops and Catholic Religious Australia’s executive director formed the Australian delegation that went to Papua New Guinea for Pope Francis’ apostolic visit.

Religious Orders United Kingdom

Augustinian friars return to shrine for first time in 500 years

Members of the Augustinian Order will return to serve at the UK’s Catholic National Shrine and Basilica of Our Lady at Walsingham for the first time in nearly 500 years. Source: Catholic Herald.

Climate Religious Orders

Sisters launch community resource on climate crisis

The Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart in collaboration with the Sisters of St Joseph Lochinvar have released a new community resource for the Season of Creation, September 1 to October 4.