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Religious Orders

Carmelites celebrate 50 years in ACT – and say farewell

August marks the 50th anniversary of the Carmelite Sisters’ arrival in the ACT – and their farewell, as they are called back to the monastery in Melbourne. Source: Catholic Voice.

Priesthood Religious Orders

Joyful sacrifice: Trio ordained Passionist priests

Three Vietnamese Passionist deacons have been ordained to the priesthood in Adelaide. Source: The Southern Cross.

People Religious Orders

Marist brother’s secret to living a long and joyful life? Love

The Marist Brothers Star of the Sea Province will tomorrow celebrate the 100th birthday of its oldest living brother, Br Vincent Shekleton. 

Education Religious Orders

Students pay tribute to arrival of Presentation Sisters 150 years ago

Nine schools have celebrated the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the first Presentation Sisters in the Wagga Wagga Diocese.

Religious Orders Vocations

Br Bernard prepares for new role sharing his passion for Franciscan life

Br Bernard Mary Fonkalsrud OFM Conv feels a deep sense of calling as he takes on a new ministry on the other side of the world. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Anniversary Religious Orders

Sisters of St Joseph bring hope over many decades

Sisters of Saint Joseph from across Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand recently achieved major milestones, celebrating 80, 75, and 70 years of religious profession. Source: Sisters of Saint Joseph.

Religious Orders

Missionaries of the Sacred Heart mark major anniversaries

The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart have marked two significant anniversaries of both international and local significance for their order in Campbell Town, Tasmania. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.

Ordination Religious Orders

Tasmania’s Benedictine monks celebrate first priestly ordination

Tasmania’s Benedictine monks celebrated their first ordination to the priesthood, as Fr Bede Mary Cannavo OSB was ordained at St Canice’s Church in Sandy Bay. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.

Religious Orders

Carmelite convent celebrates first home-grown member 

Five years after its establishment, the enclosed Carmelite convent in Mathoura, New South Wales, is celebrating its first fully home-grown member. Source: The Catholic Weekly.