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Reflection Ukraine

How peeling potatoes became a Ukraine volunteer’s expression of faith

Towards the end of last year, I made the decision to travel to Ukraine to spend over a week in the city of Lviv to help with the Ukrainian war effort, writes Anthony Rodrigues. Source: Catholic Herald.

Charity Foreign Aid Ukraine

Caritas support continues as Ukrainians face second winter of conflict

The Caritas Australia Ukraine Crisis Appeal continues to assist 32 Caritas-Spes Ukraine centres, with the project focused on meeting the basic needs of vulnerable internally displaced people and other war-affected households.

Russia Ukraine

Russia bans Catholic Church in occupied Ukraine

Russia has banned the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and other Catholic ministries in occupied areas of Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia region, according to the Church’s main communications office in Kyiv. Source: OSV News.


Kyiv Catholic Cathedral damaged in Russian drone attack

Russia’s extensive drone attack on Kyiv on Saturday damaged the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ. Source: OSV News.


Ukraine Parliament moves to ban Russian-linked church

The Ukrainian Parliament has advanced legislation widely seen as an attempt to ban an Orthodox church from the country over allegations that it is linked to Russia. Source: CNA.


Papal almoner opens shelter for women and children in Ukraine

Papal almoner Cardinal Konrad Krajewski went to Ukraine for the seventh time on Friday, opening the Mercy House of Shelter for women and children in Lviv. Source: OSV News.

Charity Ukraine

Russian attack on Caritas warehouse destroys 300 tonnes of humanitarian supplies 

Caritas Australia has confirmed that Russian troops on Tuesday attacked an industrial enterprise in Lviv, where a Caritas-Spes Ukraine humanitarian aid warehouse was located.

Pope Francis Prayer Ukraine

Pope calls for October to be dedicated to praying for peace in Ukraine

Insisting that there is “a need for more prayer, for conversion and an end to the conflict” in Ukraine, Pope Francis has invited Christians to dedicate October to praying for peace and reconciliation in the war-torn country. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis Russia Ukraine

Pope did not intend to praise Russian imperialism: Vatican

After the leader of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church expressed “great pain and concern” at Pope Francis’ recent video message to young Russian Catholics, the Vatican said that the Pope did not intend to exalt Russian imperialism. Source: CNA.