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Theology Vatican Women

Pope asks theologians to help ‘de-masculinise’ the Church

Asking pardon for speaking plainly, Pope Francis told members of the International Theological Commission that “one of the great sins we have had is ‘masculinising’ the Church”, which also can be seen by the fact that only five of the commission members are women. Source: CNS.

Migrants Women

Holy See ambassador joins ACRATH for campaign launch  

The Australian embassy to the Holy See joined Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) for the launch of its “16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence” campaign, focusing on women migrant workers vulnerable to exploitation.

Finance HIgher Education Women

Notre Dame and trailblazer help women get down to business

The University of Notre Dame Australia is partnering with businesswoman Donny Walford to empower women by giving them the skills to make smart decisions with money and tools to climb the career ladder.

Family Violence Women

Pope criticises media’s ‘ambiguous’ role in campaign to stop violence against women

Calling violence against women a “poisonous weed” that must be eradicated, Pope Francis has told the media that their campaigns to stop the violence often are offset by the way they glorify a person’s ability “to attract and dominate the other”. Source: CNS.

In The Dioceses Women

‘Older sisters’ to mentor and support young Catholic women

A new pilot mentoring program aims to ensure young Catholic women of the Sydney Archdiocese will have an “older sister” to lean on and learn from. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Synod Women

Synod hears women have been encouraged and rejected by the Church

The life of women in the Church “is full of scars” and alternating experiences of being encouraged or rejected, members of the assembly of the Synod on Synodality have heard. Source: CNS.

Leadership Women

Applications open for the Australian Catholic Young Women’s Fellowship

Applications are now open for the Australian Catholic Young Women’s Fellowship for 2024-2025, the Bishops Commission for Evangelisation, Laity and Ministry has announced. Source: The Bridge.

Church Life Women

Australian Catholic women echo global call for Church reform

Although Australian Catholic women are frustrated about discrimination, abuse and patriarchy in the Church, a study has exposed a surprising generational divide. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Synod Women

Women to vote in Synod assembly for first time

The Synod of Bishops will include female voting members for the first time, organisers revealed yesterday in a landmark development for the Church’s Synod process. Source: The Tablet.