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Aged Care

Polling shows people willing to pay more for aged care, Government says

The Albanese Government is softening up voters for increased aged care fees for those who can afford it by citing polling that claims people are eager to pay up to 40 per cent of the cost. Source: Financial Review.

Energy Victoria

Gas to electricity plan will ‘tax the poor to subsidise the wealthy’

The St Vincent de Paul Society’s general manager of policy and research says the Victorian Government’s plan to subsidise a transition from gas to electrical appliances will act as a tax on the poor. Source: The Australian.


Hope and joy arise ‘when we face life’s messiness together’

Common Home TV, a multimedia initiative of the Redemptorists of Oceania, has extended “An Invitation to Christmas” to the world in its annual multilingual Christmas message.


Vatican upholds ban on scattering ashes, allows preservation in sacred places

The Vatican has upheld a rule mandating that the ashes of the deceased be preserved in a consecrated place, but it also said family members could request “a minimal part of the ashes” be kept in a sacred place of “significance for the history of the deceased person”. Source: CNS.

Christmas Holy Land

Holy Land churches ask communities to forgo public Christmas festivities 

Public Christmas celebrations that are usually an integral part of Advent and Christmas in the Holy Land will be absent this year not only in Gaza, but in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth and Amman, as well. Source: National Catholic Register.


Macron to invite Pope to reopening of Notre Dame

French President Emmanuel Macron visited the newly erected spire of Notre Dame de Paris on Friday, one year before the cathedral is due to reopen on December 8 next year. Source: The Tablet.


Archbishop’s warning on ACT’s euthanasia legislation

Canberra-Goulburn Archbishop Christopher Prowse has warned that the ACT’s proposed assisted suicide laws will not provide adequate protections to conscientious objectors, criticising the framework for undermining religious freedoms. Source: The Australian.


Review recognises importance of all school sectors in reform: Catholic Education

The National Catholic Education Commission says it looks forward to examining the details of the review into the National School Reform Agreement.

Indigenous Politics

Voice question should have been split: Wyatt

Former Indigenous affairs minister Ken Wyatt says the Voice referendum was too complicated and should have split out the question of recognition, as he called on National Cabinet to urgently focus on closing the gap. Source: The Age.