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Legal Matters

High Court rules on Ballarat case

The Ballarat Diocese has been found not liable for the historical sexual abuse of a young boy by a priest, in a landmark decision that casts doubts over thousands of legal cases against religious orders nationwide. Source: The Age.


Labor, Coalition move to avoid election debate about abortion

The major parties have moved to avoid an election debate about abortion, with Labor confirming it would not revisit a scrapped policy that would force publicly funded hospitals to provide the procedure to receive federal funding. Source: ABC News.

Climate Ecology

Selfishness blocking progress on climate change, cardinal says

Efforts to slow climate change and mitigate its impact, particularly on the poor, are being thwarted by selfishness, the Vatican secretary of state has told world leaders at the COP29 climate conference. Source: Angelus News.

Mental Health Social media

Social media giants face new regulations to protect mental health

Digital giants including Meta, Google and TikTok could soon be bound by a digital duty of care aimed at preventing the negative mental health impacts posed by social media. Source:


Memorial Mass celebrates South Sudanese bishop’s ‘courage, strength and resilience’

Members of South Australia’s African Catholic community were joined by the faithful from interstate dioceses for the first anniversary Mass and celebration of South Sudanese Bishop Paride Taban. Source: The Southern Cross.

In The Dioceses

Red letter day as stolen poppy tapestry replaced ‘just in time’

Gail O’Brien of the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse says support from the Hunters Hill parish and Catholic schools was “very special” after parishioners replaced a stolen artwork featuring red poppies just in time for Remembrance Day. Source: The Catholic Weekly. 

Abuse crisis New Zealand

New Zealand PM apologises to survivors of abuse who were in care

New Zealand’s Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has made a “formal and unreserved” apology in Parliament for the widespread abuse, torture and neglect of hundreds of thousands of children and vulnerable adults in care. Source: SBS News.

History Vatican

Pope moves part of Vatican library to Rome seminary

Pope Francis has called for the expansion of the Vatican library and archives to a building outside Vatican City to make more “available this precious patrimony”. Source: CNA.

United States

Judge blocks Louisiana’s Ten Commandments law

Louisiana’s law requiring public schools to display the Ten Commandments is unconstitutional, a United States federal judge ruled this week. Source: OSV News.