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Bishops Western Australia

New bishop appointed to Broome Diocese

Pope Francis last night appointed Brisbane Auxiliary Bishop Timothy Norton SVD to be the third Bishop of Broome. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Social Services

Catholic agency heads discuss ‘enormous battle against poverty’

Funding shortfalls, unprecedented community need and the importance of prioritising an end to child poverty were among the topics raised by Catholic Social Services Australia agency heads at a two-day advocacy event at Parliament House last week.

Bishops Eastern Rite

Cardinal-designate Bychok describes his ‘very big week’

Cardinal-designate Mykola Bychok CSsR – the Melbourne-based Ukrainian eparch and the youngest of 21 new cardinals-designate recently announced by Pope Francis – has had what he described as “a very big week”. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Indigenous Opinion

Referendum defeat hasn’t stopped journey toward reconciliation

It has been a year since the Voice to Parliament referendum was defeated but the journey toward reconciliation and unity as a nation continues, writes National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council’s Craig Arthur.

Appointment Charity

Vinnies South Australia announces election of new president

The St Vincent de Paul Society South Australia has announced the election of its new state president, Geraldine Hawkes. Source: The Southern Cross.

HIgher Education

Tax clinic to provide quality care for students and the vulnerable

The University of Notre Dame Australia will open a new tax clinic that will give vulnerable people greater access to professional tax advice while giving students the opportunity to have authentic workplace experiences.


Synod members highlight the value of listening

Synod members say listening has emerged as a central element in overcoming the structural and cultural barriers to unity and participation in the Church. Source: OSV News.


New cardinal lauds peace prize for anti-nuclear weapons group

Japan’s new cardinal-designate has applauded the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to a group of atomic bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, vowing that the Church will continue to press for the total abolition of nuclear weapons. Source: Crux.


Global charities appeal to UN for funding for Sudan

Caritas Internationalis and global faith-based humanitarian organisation ACT Alliance have brought the issue of funding to avert famine in Sudan to a United Nations General Assembly side event focused on the cost of inaction in the country. Source: Caritas Australia.