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Bishop Mackinlay elected to Synod commission

Sandhurst Bishop Shane Mackinlay has been elected to a commission charged with overseeing the drafting of the final document of the Synod on Synodality. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Misinformation Politics

Bishops say second version of misinformation bill has serious flaws

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference says the Albanese Government’s misinformation bill leaves a question mark over what is considered a “reasonable” religious belief. Source: The Daily Telegraph.

Abortion Queensland

Queensland Opposition Leader under pressure over abortion stance

Conservative crossbench MPs will propose changes to Queensland’s abortion laws in the next term of Parliament, in a direct challenge to David Crisafulli’s authority over the LNP. Source: The Courier-Mail.

Papal Trip

VIP passenger gave pilot new appreciation of Catholic faith

Royal Australian Air Force pilot Jacob Ralph is used to flying prime ministers and world leaders on his planes, but now he can add Pope Francis to his list. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Aged Care Religious Orders

New aged care facility aims to be ahead of its times

The Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth is planning a new aged care facility in Greater Western Sydney that will be the first of its kind in the country when completed in 2025. Source: Catholic Outlook.


Kirk’s mission to lead people into prayer through music

Musician Stephen Kirk refers to music as “God’s little ninja” because of its ability to touch hearts by stealth, manoeuvring past the conscious mind. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.


Church in the global south has ‘much to share’ with the West

Cardinals-designate from three continents say the Church in the global south has a lot of nonmaterial gifts to share with the West, including the richness of priestly vocations and a joy-filled faith. Source: CNA.


Rosary campaign to focus on peace and unity

As conflict rages worldwide, one million children are set to storm heaven with prayer. Source: OSV News.

Refugees United Kingdom

Catholic charity says English Channel deaths a ‘horrendous tragedy’

After four people – including a two-year-old boy – died attempting to cross the English Channel, the Jesuit Refugee Service UK said tightening enforcement of immigration laws “is not a solution”. Source: Crux.