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Pope Francis Poverty

Pope urges the Church, governments and organisations to help the poor

On the World Day of the Poor yesterday, Pope Francis called on Christians to practice a faith that inspires action, urging the Church, governments and organisations to assist the poor and marginalised. Source: CNS.

Aged Care

Coalition demands dozens of changes to $5.6 billion health care bill

Labor is facing a raft of changes to its $5.6 billion aged care bill in the final sitting fortnight of the year. Source: The Australian.


Woman who backed out of euthanasia a ‘beacon of hope’ 

The story of a Dutch woman who changed her mind about being euthanised moments before she was due to have a lethal injection is a “beacon of hope”, says Sydney psychiatrist and palliative care researcher David Kissane. Source: The Catholic Weekly.


Good things come in the threes

Toowoomba Bishop Ken Howell ordained three men – Sang Duc Bui, BJ Perrett and Sean Woods – to the transitional diaconate at a Mass at Holy Spirit Chapel, Banyo in Brisbane on Friday. Source: The Catholic Leader.


College celebrates its past while looking to the future

St Paul’s Catholic College, Manly, celebrated its 95th anniversary on Friday but the school has its eyes on the future as it prepares to welcome girls and its first female principal in 2025. Source: Catholic Schools Broken Bay.

Climate Pacific

Pacific nations facing $2.3 billion climate bill

The annual finance needs for Pacific nations facing climate mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage costs could, conservatively, be about $US1.5 billion ($2.3 billion), a new report reveals. Source: Caritas Australia.

Pope Francis Saints

Pope calls for annual celebration honouring the ‘saints next door’

Pope Francis wants dioceses worldwide to shine a spotlight on their “saints next door” every year on November 9. Source: CNA.


Cardinal calls for talks between Church and China

Cardinal Stephen Chow of Hong Kong has stressed the need for dialogue between the Church and China, saying the Church might find a way to present Christianity in a way that does not threaten the country’s culture. Source: USCCB.


Estimate of death toll in Sudanese conflict jumps from 20,000 to 60,000

A new report has revealed the number of people dying because of the Sudanese civil war is significantly higher than previously reported. Source: Vatican News.