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Key Labor and Liberal figures unite to fight Catholic schools funding cuts

A rare coalition of heavyweight Labor and Liberal advisers has been formed to protect Catholic education funding in the run-up to the next multi-billion dollar national funding agreement. Source: The Australian.

First Nations

Listening the first step towards reconciliation, says Aunty Pat

“This country is alive, there are so many amazing stories. And most Australians just don’t know,” Aunty Pat Anderson told a sold-out crowd at Evangelisation Brisbane’s Reconciliation Dinner. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Asylum claims at six-year high

The number of people seeking asylum in Australia has hit a six-year high and a record 117,500 people are on shore awaiting a decision as huge backlogs and wait times expose the country’s immigration system to exploitation. Source: The Age.

In The Dioceses Vocations

Broken Bay hopes ordination will inspire new vocations

Broken Bay Diocese has celebrated the ordination of Rosan Mathew to the transitional diaconate on Saturday, hoping it will be an inspiration to other young men in the diocese to serve the Church through a vocation to the priesthood.


St John of God Ballarat Hospital gets state-of-the-art facilities

A new wing at St John of God Ballarat Hospital underpins St John of God Health Care’s commitment to providing top-tier medical and surgical care to the Ballarat region. 

Pope Francis

Pope fears for future generations but ‘things can change’

Maybe it is a sign of aging, Pope Francis said, but he is increasingly concerned about what kind of world he and his peers will leave for younger generations — and the prognosis is not good. Source: CNS.


Pope’s plea to cardinals latest step in campaign for financial reform

A new letter to cardinals asking them to tighten their belts, help the Vatican seek new resources and exhibit an ethos of generosity marks the latest move in Pope Francis’s long-running goal of financial reform. Source: Crux.

Southeast Asia

Indonesia unveils world’s tallest statue of Jesus

Indonesia has inaugurated the world’s tallest statue of Jesus at a tourist site in the North Sumatra province. Source: UCA News.


Judo champion banned for five months for making sign of the cross

An Olympic judo athlete has been banned from competition in part because he made the sign of the cross at this year’s Olympic Games. Source: CNA.