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Next step taken in Eileen O’Connor’s journey to sainthood

Eileen O’Connor’s path to sainthood is now in God’s hands (and the care of the Vatican) after Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP formally concluded the diocesan phase of the canonisation cause. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Aged Care

Self-funded retirees to pay more for aged care services

Self-funded retirees will be asked to pay more out of their own savings for their aged care under a deal set to be struck between Labor and the Coalition. Source: The Australian.

Religious Freedom

US Catholic scholar focuses on religious freedoms in Tim Fischer Oration 

Religious freedoms were the focus of the second Tim Fischer Oration, with Helen Alvaré warning that society faces a threat “way worse than ignorance or mean-spiritedness – a seeming rejection of reason itself”. Source: Catholic Voice.


Reopening of emergency department eases strain on Hobart hospital system

A Catholic private hospital in Hobart will reopen its emergency department 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with hopes it can ease some of the stress on the hospital system. Source: ABC News.


Students burst into song for Vinnies

Schools across Sydney are bringing music to the streets of Parramatta as part of the annual “Busking for Vinnies” initiative. Source: St Vincent de Paul Society NSW.


One year until the Australian Catholic Education Conference in Cairns

The countdown is on for the 2025 Australian Catholic Education Conference hosted by the National Catholic Education Commission and host diocese, Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns.


Study shows nearly half of migrants worldwide are Christian

A new analysis by the Pew Research Centre has found that nearly half of the estimated 280 million people worldwide who live outside their country of birth are Christian, with migrants to the United States from Mexico and the Philippines making up a substantial portion. Source: CNA.

Central America Religious Freedom

Nicaraguan government extinguishes legal status of religious orders

The Nicaraguan Government has extinguished the legal status of more than 25 Catholic organisations, including religious orders, another diocesan Caritas chapter and lay Catholic groups, as part of an attack on civil society with the closure of 1500 nongovernmental organisations. Source: OSV News.

Asia Tributes

Marian visionary dies at 93 on feast of Assumption

A Japanese woman religious and Marian visionary has died some five decades after witnessing the miraculous weeping of a statue of Mary and receiving urgent messages to pray in reparation for humanity’s sins. Source: Global Sisters Report.