Senior religious representatives in South Australia have recommitted to interfaith harmony at four meetings hosted by the Adelaide Archdiocese. Source: The Southern Cross.
Philippa Rowland, president of the Multifaith Association of SA and chair of Religions for Peace, convened the meetings to discuss key elements of the Commitment to Interfaith Harmony.
The commitment was written in 2015 after Reclaim Australia rallies demanded Muslims “go home” and was first read aloud during the Interfaith Prayer Service for the Christchurch Massacre held in St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral in 2016.
Leaders of 12 faith communities – Ahmadiyya, Baha’i, Brahma Kumari, Buddhist, Catholic, Hindu, Jewish, Latter-day Saints, Lutheran, Quaker, Unitarian and Uniting Church of Australia – joined Aboriginal elder Uncle Allen Edwards Snr to discuss key elements of the Commitment to Interfaith Harmony, including “Respect for First Nations”, “Respect for the beliefs, cultures and traditions” of faith communities in Australia and ”Respect for the land”.
Mrs Rowland said central to discussions was how to encourage communities to learn more about the history of Australian white settlement, not telling people how to vote but explaining the importance of this year’s referendum on a Voice to Parliament for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.
“Encouragingly, these productive discussions also generated shared ideas, including a keen desire across faiths to engage more with youth, to work together to raise awareness of the Voice to Parliament; and to stand together against racial/religious violence and against war,” she said.
“Finally, there was also significant interest in restarting our visits to various faith communities and places of worship and to places of natural beauty and inspiration for sustainable living.”
Faith leaders work together (The Southern Cross)