Caritas Australia’s partner agencies in Gaza have supported more than 9000 households with essential supplies and psychological first aid since the outbreak of war in the region last month.
The charity yesterday said that a grim milestone has been passed, with more than 10,000 deaths reported in Gaza since the outbreak of violence on October 7, including more than 4000 children. Upwards of 1400 Israelis and foreign nationals have been killed, with 240 still being held hostage in Gaza.
Despite the uncertainties surrounding humanitarian access, Caritas Australia confirmed that more than 9000 households have been supported with cash assistance, essential supplies, and psychological first aid via its partner agencies.
Four churches have been established as temporary shelter locations for 1200 displaced people. Partners are also focusing on preparing for winter with blankets, mattresses, and mats for about 1100 households, as well as working to explore temporary shelters.
“To date we have supported families and Church shelters as they procure and purchase what is available to support their survival – but make no mistake, these supplies are running out,” Sally Thomas, humanitarian emergencies lead at Caritas Australia, said.
“Day by day it is hard to imagine the situation becoming more unbearable, but that is what is happening and those in Gaza have no avenues of escape. The human suffering must end, and it must end now – with human rights and dignity restored on all sides.
“A pause in fighting at this point is not enough. It would see aid organisations help people only to be forced to retreat once violence re-escalates, with those helped then subjected to the same or worse all over again. A total end to the violence is the only adequate humanitarian response at this point.”
To support Caritas Australia’s Gaza Appeal, visit www.caritas.org.au/donate/emergency-appeals/gaza-crisis/.
Caritas Australia says a total end to the violence is the only humanitarian response as casualties exceed 10,000 (Caritas Australia)