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Martijn Boersma and Alison Rahill (ACAN)

The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences and the Australian embassy to the Holy See recently partnered with Walk Free and the Global Freedom Network to convene a modern slavery event in Rome. Source: ACAN.

The event brought together leading academics, faith leaders, civil society members, ambassadors, and survivors to discuss the latest findings in modern slavery research. It also addressed the role of faith and faith leaders in responding to modern slavery.

Martijn Boersma, Associate Professor of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking at the University of Notre Dame Australia attended the event. UNDA is the only university in Australia that offers post-graduate courses on modern slavery and human trafficking. 

“It’s important that the event considered how business and management practices are connected to modern slavery – including in the supply chains and operations of Catholic organisations. I was pleased to share with attendees how the Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network (ACAN) is addressing modern slavery,” Dr Boersma said.

Meanwhile, Alison Rahill from ACAN was the opening speaker of the RENATE (Religious in Europe Networking against Trafficking and Exploitation) Europe Network online conference. RENATE Europe Network is made up of more than 300 members with representation from 40 religious congregations, many of whom are engaged in education, healthcare and services provision.

Ms Rahill spoke about opportunities for Catholic leadership and global collaboration to assess, address and mitigate the risk of modern slavery in Church operations and supply chains.

“Ms Rahill has inspired us to pursue best practices and that we all have a part to play in the journey towards eradicating any traces of slavery and exploitation from faith-based operations,” RENATE’s Anne Kelleher said.


Global Leaders Convene in Rome to Combat Modern Slavery (ACAN)