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Pope Francis Vatican

Blessing should not be denied to anyone: Pope

People who act shocked that a priest would bless a gay couple but have no problem with him blessing a crooked businessman are hypocrites, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: NCR Online.


Catholic health institutions to be acknowledged on World Day of the Sick

World Day of the Sick this Sunday will pay tribute to the invaluable work that Catholic health institutions undertake not just in Australia but around the world. Source: ACBC and CHA.

Modern Slavery Reflection

‘Survivor voices’  follow in the footsteps of St Josephine Bakhita

The life of the slavery survivor who became a saint is a model for improving the lives of modern slavery victims, writes Moe Turaga. Source: Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network.


ACT health system readies for voluntary euthanasia

A taskforce to help prepare the ACT’s health system for voluntary euthanasia will be established by the Barr Government. Source: Canberra Times. 

Pope Francis Youth

Meeting Pope a ‘profoundly human moment, simple and gentle’

Adelaide Catholic youth leader Maddy Forde met Pope Francis during a meeting of the Vatican’s Youth Advisory Body, presenting him with a gift from Catholic Education South Australia. Source: The Southern Cross.

Bishops Books

Archbishop Emeritus inspired by ‘the most beautiful part of the world’

Perth Archbishop Emeritus Barry Hickey has released his memoirs, the title of which was inspired by his continuing connection with Western Australia’s Goldfields region. Source: The eRecord. 

Ecumenism Vatican Women

Female Anglican bishop participates in Council of Cardinals meeting

Pope Francis’ Council of Cardinals concluded a meeting at the Vatican yesterday, reflecting on “the role of women in the Church”. Source: CNA.

Peace Ukraine

Pope’s Ukraine envoy says peace requires talking to enemies

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, Pope Francis’ special envoy to Ukraine, says his mission to the war-torn country has specific patterns in promoting peace. Source: OSV News.

Agriculture Europe

Bishops across France back farmers’ protest

As many as 20 French bishops from mainly rural dioceses have issued statements of solidarity with farmers whose protests culminated in an attempt to blockade Paris with their tractors last week. Source: The Tablet.