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Articles By This Author


Three hundred parish priests invited to listening session in Rome

Synod on Synodality organisers are inviting 300 parish priests to come to Rome for a meeting of “listening, prayer, and discernment” that will help shape the next Synod assembly discussions. Source: CNA.


Victoria’s euthanasia review to exclude expansion

A review of Victoria’s voluntary assisted dying laws has ruled out expanding the scheme to people with dementia and letting doctors initiate conversations about euthanasia with the terminally ill. Source: The Age.

Digital Life Education

Catholic education representatives give evidence at AI inquiry

Catholic education representatives have participated in the Albanese Government’s inquiry into the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in the education system. Source: NCEC.


Indigenous leader Lowitja O’Donoghue dies aged 91

Lowitja O’Donoghue, a Yankunytjatjara leader, activist and a papal award recipient, has died in Adelaide at the age of 91. Source: The Guardian.

Religious Orders

Jesuit superior visits Australia for Asia-Pacific leadership handover

Jesuit Superior General Fr Arturo Sosa, the Venezuelan head of the Society of Jesus, visited Australia to oversee a change of Jesuit leadership in the Asia-Pacific region. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Crime HIgher Education

Catholic liberal arts college plastered with Nazi graffiti

Australia’s only Catholic liberal arts tertiary institution, Campion College, was plastered with violent Nazi messages and swastikas over the summer break. Source: The Australian.


Changing words in sacraments can make them invalid, Vatican warns

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith says it continues to receive reports of Catholics, including priests, finding out all the sacraments they have received are invalid because they were baptised years earlier with a formula that was not approved. Source: OSV News.

Interfaith Pope Francis

Pope condemns antisemitism as a sin

In a letter addressed to “my Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel”, Pope Francis expressed his heartbreak at the violence unleashed by the Hamas attack on Israel in October and repeated the Church’s condemnation of all forms of antisemitism and anti-Judaism. Source: CNS.

East Asia

Evidence in Lai trial may have been obtained through torture: UN

The United Nations is warning evidence in the trial of prominent Hong Kong Catholic, philanthropist and media mogul Jimmy Lai may have been obtained by torturing a witness in China. Source: UCA News.