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Articles By This Author

Aged Care

Catholic sector backs recommendations of Aged Care Taskforce

Catholic Health Australia has urged the Albanese Government to swiftly implement the recommendations of the Aged Care Taskforce to create a more sustainable and better quality aged care sector for older Australians. 

Safeguarding Vatican

Papal commission to submit first safeguarding report

The Pope’s commission for advancing the Church’s efforts to prevent the abuse of vulnerable persons is due to submit its first annual report on the state of safeguarding in the Church. Source: NCR Online.

Religious Freedom

Queensland’s proposed anti-discrimination laws ‘Orwellian’

The Queensland Government’s proposed anti-discrimination laws have been described as “Orwellian” and the “most restrictive regime for religious institutions in Australia”. Source: The Australian. 

First Nations Housing

Federal and NT governments announce $4b remote housing agreement

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has unveiled a $4 billion remote housing package for the Northern Territory, aimed at building hundreds of homes in Indigenous communities over the coming decade. Source: ABC News.

Education In The Dioceses

Work begins on Townsville’s new Catholic college

Preparations for Townsville’s newest Catholic secondary school are officially under way following a turning of the sod and blessing ceremony at the site of Mary Help of Christians Catholic College, Shaw. Source: Townsville Catholic Education.

In The Dioceses Youth

Surfers hit the beach for sun, sand, surf and faith

It’s a rare parish that has surfboards in the cupboard, alongside the vestments, thurible and hymn books – but Bondi’s a special place. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Ukraine Vatican

Top diplomat says Russia and Ukraine must negotiate

Pope Francis was not asking Ukraine to consider surrendering to Russia when he called for negotiations to end the war, but he was calling for both Russia and Ukraine to cease hostilities and engage in peace talks, the Vatican’s top diplomat said yesterday. Source: CNS.


Vatican sponsors interfaith dialogue conference for ‘wisdom traditions’ 

As the Vatican walks a fine diplomatic line in its ongoing engagement with China, it has sponsored conferences in Taiwan and Hong Kong to further interfaith dialogue with both Confucianism and Taoism. Source: Crux.


South Sudanese bishop appeals to international community for help

A South Sudanese bishop has described the desperate situation of his people, saying they are on the “brink of destitution” and are “slowly perishing” amid challenges caused by violent conflicts and COVID-19. Source: CNA.