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Family Violence Women

CatholicCare helping women understand and reduce abuse in their lives

An eight-week program offered by CatholicCare Tasmania is helping to heal and empower women who have experienced abuse in their relationships. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.

Holy Week Pope Francis

Pope makes brief remarks but skips Palm Sunday homily

Only Jesus can deliver humanity from hatred and violence, Pope Francis said on Palm Sunday yesterday. Source: OSV News.

Euthanasia United Kingdom

British archbishop says Catholics must fight euthanasia campaign

The United Kingdom is gripped by the “aggressive promotion” of doctor-assisted killing, according to a British archbishop who has urged Catholics to write to their local MPs to resist changes to laws prohibiting euthanasia. Source: Catholic Herald.

Families Vatican

Vatican calls for global ban on child surrogacy

The Vatican’s permanent observer to the United Nations has pressed for an international prohibition against the practice of child surrogacy. Source: NCR Online.

Human Rights

Anti-slavery campaigners hold first face-to-face conference in four years

“Modern Slavery: Closer Than You Think” is the theme for the Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) members and national committee conference, taking place in Sydney this week.

Religious Freedom

Law Reform Commission to release report on anti-discrimination laws 

The Australian Law Reform Commission is today expected to release its report on religious educational institutions and anti-discrimination laws. Source: ABC News.


Archbishop Carroll ‘came not to be served, but to serve’

Hundreds of people are expected to pay tribute to the late Archbishop Francis Carroll at a Pontifical Requiem Mass in Canberra today, starting at 11am AEDT. Geoff Joy, a close colleague of “Fr Francis”, reflects on his life and mission. Source: Catholic Voice.

Pope Francis

Pope urges people at general audience to pray for peace

“War is always a defeat,” Pope Francis said yesterday, urging people at his general audience to pray that leaders in war-torn nations would have the courage to negotiate for peace. Source: CNS.


Caritas joins call to address global humanitarian issues

Caritas Australia has taken part in a series of events in Canberra designed to engage ministers on critical global humanitarian issues of concern.