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HIgher Education Human Rights

ACU to add modern slavery studies for all students

All undergraduate students at Australian Catholic University will complete training to identify and respond to modern slavery following a pilot project with the Sydney Archdiocese. Source: Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network.

Education Victoria

Religion class enrolments slump in Victoria’s state schools

Religious instruction has almost disappeared from Victorian state schools, as government changes to make the program voluntary and held outside class hours prompted enrolments to drop by 99 per cent in 10 years. Source: The Age.


Peter’s picture picked for Vatican competition

A Melbourne Catholic primary school student’s artwork has been selected as Australia’s winning entry to an international drawing competition and will now go all the way to the Vatican. Source: Catholic Mission. 


Pope nationalises Vatican assets, property in new reform

Pope Francis has essentially nationalised all assets and property owned by Vatican departments and affiliated institutions, declaring them to be sovereign patrimony owned by the Holy See and not any individual or office. Source: NCR Online.


Anniversary of Ukraine war marked by prayers and vigils

Civil and religious leaders around the world observed the one-year anniversary of the outbreak of war in Ukraine on Friday, calling for an end to hostilities and gathering in prayer to honour victims of the conflict and to beg God for peace. Source: Crux.

Europe Migrants

Pope prays for migrants lost at sea in latest Mediterranean tragedy

Pope Francis and leaders of the Church in Italy have expressed their pain and sent prayers for the eternal rest of at least 59 migrants who died in a shipwreck yesterday off the southern coast of Italy. Source: ACI Prensa.

Charity Ukraine

Caritas and Jesuit Mission continue support for Ukraine

Australian Catholic charities Caritas Australia and Jesuit Mission have reflected on the devastation and humanitarian toll on Ukraine on the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion.


Safeguarding chief urges removal of any material honouring abusers

Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd chief Ursula Stephens has affirmed that there should be no ongoing commemoration of clergy and religious who have abused children. Source: RiotACT.


Government facing push to build more homes

Housing Minister Julie Collins will have to approve the construction of more homes than the Government planned if she wants legislation for her key $10 billion housing investment fund to pass Parliament. Source: The Age.