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Gender New South Wales

MP urges support to stop Equality Bill

Proposed LGBT reforms for New South Wales risk far-reaching unintended consequences for women and children, Labor MLC Greg Donnelly says. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Gender New South Wales

Protester interrupts Archbishop Fisher during transgender inquiry

A protester disrupted Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP as he gave evidence at a New South Wales parliamentary inquiry into proposed laws that would make it easier for transgender people to record a sex change on legal documents. Source: ABC News.

Gender United Kingdom

Bishops of England and Wales speak out against gender ideology

Gender ideology and its language should be resisted in all Catholic institutions, according to a new document by the bishops of England and Wales. Source: Catholic Herald.

Gender Pope Francis

‘Ugly’ gender ideology is the worst danger, Pope says

The gifts of men and women are “fruitful” together, and to erase the difference between men and women “is to erase humanity”, Pope Francis said. Source: OSV News.

Gender Sacraments Vatican

Vatican says trans people can be baptised, witness marriages

The Vatican’s doctrine office has said an adult who identifies as transgender can receive the sacrament of Baptism under the same conditions as any adult, as long as there is no risk of causing scandal or confusion to other Catholics. Source: CNA.

Gender United Kingdom

Scottish bishops warn against gender reform bill

Scotland’s bishops have released a strongly worded statement in opposition to the Government’s plans to make it significantly easier for individuals to change their gender identity. Source: CNA.


Dutch cardinal asks Vatican to issue encyclical on gender theory

Dutch Cardinal Willem Eijk has asked Pope Francis to issue an encyclical about gender theory, which he said “is being pushed in all kinds of organisations and we as a Church have not said much about it”. Source: The Tablet.