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Ms University Student graduates to Miss Saigon

Australian Catholic University student Abigail Adriano has swapped schoolbooks for the stage after being cast in Opera Australia’s Miss Saigon. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Arts Education

Stage set for students to shine at annual arts festival

More than 850 talented Catholic school students from North Queensland converged at the Townsville Entertainment and Convention Centre yesterday to kick off the 2023 Mulkadee Youth Arts Festival. Source: Townsville Catholic Education.


Exhibition of rarely seen St Francis tapestries opens in Adelaide

An exhibition of rarely-seen tapestries illustrating the life of St Francis of Assisi is on display at Adelaide’s David Roche Foundation House Museum until September 2. Source: The Southern Cross.


Love is in the air as poetry prize celebrates 10 years

The Australian Catholic University Prize for Poetry, one of Australia’s richest poetry prizes, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year with poets being asked to reflect on the theme of Love.