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Education Research

Breaking down words helps build students’ ability to read and spell: ACU study

Teaching children how to identify and combine parts of words is an important component of a comprehensive approach to reading and spelling instruction, new Australian Catholic University research shows.


Synodal process helps deliver enterprise agreement at Catholic schools

Staff at Catholic Schools Broken Bay have overwhelmingly backed a new four-year enterprise agreement, with more than 92.5 per cent confirming their support in a ballot last week. 


Four ‘touchstones’ at the heart of Edmund Rice Education’s new charter

Edmund Rice Education Australia has launched its renewed Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition, a core document for its 55 schools across all states and territories of Australia.


Catholic sector welcomes Labor’s commitment to increase funding in ‘childcare deserts’

The National Catholic Education Commission has welcomed the Albanese Government’s re-election commitment to invest up to $1 billion in funding to childcare centres in underserved areas, including co-locating services on school sites.


Pearson calls for all schools to adopt direct instruction in classrooms 

Aboriginal leader Noel Pearson has called for all schools to adopt direct instruction in classrooms after demonstrated success in the Catholic education sector. Source: The Australian.


NAPLAN scores soar after return to old-school teaching methods

A Catholic school cluster has shot to success in this year’s NAPLAN results, after abandoning failed teaching fads through the nation’s biggest experiment in the science of learning. Source: The Australian.


Catholic boys school joins fight against gender-based violence

A Catholic boys school in Ballarat, Victoria, is taking part in a program organised by a local community health service to help drive change in the fight against gender-based violence. Source: ABC News.


Education program empower Indigenous leaders of tomorrow

A Townsville Catholic Education program that empowers students to become proud, confident and capable leaders of tomorrow by addressing educational disadvantages faced by First Nations students has been extended.

Appointment Education

Two new enrolments for class of 2025

Catholic Schools NSW is set to start the new year with two new members of its leadership team as Marita Winters and Jeremy Gasperov start with the peak body in January. Source: The Catholic Weekly.