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Immersion program aims to help deliver better Catholic education

An intensive three-day immersion program in Broken Bay Diocese has provided national and state Catholic education leaders the opportunity to see first-hand, innovative developments in student teaching and learning.


One year until the Australian Catholic Education Conference in Cairns

The countdown is on for the 2025 Australian Catholic Education Conference hosted by the National Catholic Education Commission and host diocese, Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns.

Education Leadership

Educator recognised in book marking Commonwealth’s 75th anniversary

Catholic Education Ballarat executive director Tom Sexton has been recognised as a thought leader in education and invited to participate in the British Parliament Trust’s commemorative book marking the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Commonwealth.


NAPLAN scores show gaps despite stable results

NAPLAN results have held stable and so have entrenched academic gaps between boys and girls, urban and regional children, and First Nations students. Source: SBS News.


Quick-thinking students prevented bus disaster after driver collapsed

Heroic quick-thinking by a handful of Brisbane Catholic secondary students prevented a disaster on a regular afternoon bus drop-off last month. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Education South East Asia

‘Indonesia Goes to School’ in South Australia

Indonesian language students in South Australian Catholic schools will benefit from the extension of a landmark partnership between Catholic Education South Australia and the Indonesian embassy in Canberra. Source: The Southern Cross.

Appointment Education

Peter Pearce walks into new position at Edmund Rice Flexi Schools

Edmund Rice Education Australia Flexible Schools, the largest national network of alternative schools in Australia, has appointed Peter Pearce as its new board chair, strengthening the organisation’s governance and leadership expertise.

Education Sport

‘It’s wild’: The country school producing Olympians

As the gold medals keep coming for Australian athletes in Paris, one Catholic school in country Western Australia is proud of the reputation it’s building up – a school with a knack for producing Olympians. Source: ABC News.

Digital Life Education

Catholic school adopts online learning to prepare students for university

A Melbourne Catholic all-girls school will offer students a hybrid model of teaching that includes an online component delivered by one of the largest state government schools. Source: The Age.